
Auralite-23 Cube Bracelet


1 in stock

Comes with Certificate of Authenticity

Auralite-23 is a rare type of crystal that is highly valued for its unique and powerful metaphysical properties. It is primarily found in the Boreal Forest of the Canadian Shield, near Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Auralite-23 is named for its rich composition, which includes 23 different minerals and elements.

Key features and properties of Auralite-23 include:

  1. Color and Appearance: Auralite-23 typically exhibits a range of colors, including shades of purple, red, green, and gold. It often contains striking inclusions and patterns that contribute to its beauty.
  2. Mineral Composition: Auralite-23 is composed of 23 different minerals, including amethyst, citrine, hematite, lepidocrocite, magnetite, and many others. This complex combination of minerals is believed to contribute to its unique energy properties.
  3. Metaphysical Properties: Auralite-23 is highly regarded for its metaphysical properties, which are said to include:
    • Spiritual Awakening: Auralite-23 is believed to stimulate spiritual growth and enhance one’s connection to the higher self and spiritual realms.
    • Healing and Balance: It is said to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, helping to balance and align the chakras and energy bodies.
    • Psychic Abilities: Auralite-23 is thought to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual communication, making it a valuable tool for meditation and spiritual practices.
    • Emotional Healing: It is believed to help release negative emotions, heal past traumas, and promote emotional well-being and self-love.
  4. Energetic Properties: Auralite-23 is said to have a high vibration that can help clear and energize the aura, as well as enhance the flow of energy throughout the body.
  5. Rareness and Rarity: Auralite-23 is considered a rare and valuable crystal due to its unique mineral composition and limited availability. It is often sought after by collectors and spiritual practitioners for its powerful energetic properties.

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