
Purple, Yellow, Caramel Alashan Agate with Nine-tailed Fox Charm


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Alashan Agate is a type of agate produced in the Alxa League region of Inner Mongolia, China.

  • Promotes inner stability: thought to have a grounding and stabilizing effect on the mind and emotions, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Enhances physical strength: believed to have a fortifying effect on the physical body, promoting strength, stamina, and endurance.
  • Improves vitality and energy: thought to have a rejuvenating effect on the body, helping to increase energy levels and overall vitality.
  • Promotes emotional healing: believed to help release negative emotions, promoting a sense of emotional well-being and balance.
  • Enhances creativity and self-expression: This gemstone is believed to stimulate creativity and enhance self-expression
  • Protects against negative energies: thought to have a protective effect against negative energies and forces, helping to shield the wearer from harm.


The nine-tailed fox, known as the “Jiu Wei Hu” (九尾狐) in Chinese, holds various symbolic meanings and is often associated with protection, prosperity, and auspiciousness.

  1. Protection from Negative Energy: The nine-tailed fox is believed to possess powerful energy that can ward off negative influences, evil spirits, and malevolent forces. Placing depictions or figurines of the nine-tailed fox in the home or workplace is thought to create a protective barrier and safeguard against harm.
  2. Wealth and Prosperity: In Feng Shui, the nine-tailed fox is often associated with wealth and prosperity. Its presence is believed to attract good fortune, abundance, and opportunities for financial success. Placing symbols of the nine-tailed fox in wealth corners or areas associated with prosperity can enhance positive energy flow and financial luck.
  3. Enhancing Career Luck: The nine-tailed fox is also considered a symbol of career advancement and success. It is believed to bring opportunities for promotion, recognition, and professional growth. Placing representations of the nine-tailed fox in the north sector of the home or office can activate career luck and support ambitions.
  4. Harmony and Balance: In some interpretations, the nine-tailed fox symbolizes harmony and balance in Feng Shui. Its energy is thought to promote peace, harmony, and harmonious relationships within the household or workplace. It can help resolve conflicts, promote understanding, and create a harmonious environment.
  5. Fertility and Family Harmony: The nine-tailed fox is sometimes associated with fertility, family harmony, and domestic bliss. Placing symbols of the nine-tailed fox in the bedroom or family area is believed to enhance fertility luck, strengthen family bonds, and promote happiness within the household.
  6. Wisdom and Intelligence: In Chinese culture, the nine-tailed fox is often depicted as a wise and intelligent creature. Its energy is associated with wisdom, insight, and cleverness. Having representations of the nine-tailed fox in the study or knowledge area can stimulate mental clarity, enhance learning, and promote intellectual pursuits.

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